Be part of the MayanToon’s campaigns with Colecta Online and FLAAR FEST 2023
It is not a coincidence that we started using this platform to collect donations and be able to help more children. FLAAR MESOAMÉRICA and MayanToons have worked hard to create a community and awareness in people so that they can help
Meet the 5 Felines of Guatemala
Here we will show you some differences, Color, Food, Habitat and among others. Our goal at MayanToons is to teach children and parents the importance of conserving these 5 Felines and other animals that we illustrate in books and animated videos
A world without drawings
Can you imagine a world without drawings, where the only way of education and learning is purely text without graphic references? Even as adults it seems a bit unthinkable, or even boring also for those of us who enjoy constantly learning. And
Bats, not villains but ecological superheroes
Bats are one of the most misunderstood and feared animals because they have been negatively categorized by society as dangerous, harmful and bloodthirsty animals. It is true that, as with any wild animal, we must keep our distance to prevent them
What can we do to help our planet by recycling, reusing, and reducing?
Everybody speaks about the importance of being eco-friendly and helping our planet by using less water, recycling, and taking care of our plants and animals. But, do you actually know that we throw amazing amounts of pounds in the trash